Saturday, February 21, 2009

An ever-changing list

After not being able to think of what to blog about for the life of me, I went to check the class blog that Mrs. Allard told us about, and it gave the idea of making a list of something. So I've decided to do what the easiest one for me is, bands/musical artists. Of course this list is always changing, even hour by hour, so I bring you, in no particular order; My 15 favorite bands (At the moment), complete with commentary!

Rush- Rush is a classic band, made up of three brilliant musicians. Who can deny listening to a band with 24 gold records and 14 platinum ones? I often listen to Rush when I want some inspiration in playing music, the play very different then most bands you hear nowadays.

Reel Big Fish/ Streetlight Manifesto- I say both of these bands because I love ska and I never really listen to just one or the other, I usually just mix the two and put it on shuffle. These guys easily give me my ska fix when I need it.

Brand New- Sometimes, I just need a good band that can relax me a bit, and Brand New does that while not being too weak.

CAKE- I never really know what kind of music these guys are classified as, they've got a very twangy guitar sound, and a very mellow vocal track, but it's just so enjoyable to listen to, I'm almost always in the mood to listen to these guys.

GreenDay- Who doesn't love a good dose of GreenDay every once in a while? I grew up to my dad listening to these guys a lot, so I learned to love them pretty quickly. As often as I hear people complain about their newest album, American Idiot, I'll admit that I really don't mind it at all, and enjoy it often. Of course I love their old stuff, and would choose that any day, but who wouldn't?

Death Cab for Cutie- Yet another band who is good to listen to while relaxing, very laid back, yet awesome to listen to.

Dream Theatre- Most of you probably haven't heard of these guys. They're a very technical band, and very, very skilled. The only reason I stumbled onto these guys is because my musically inclined friends found them and brought them up to me, giving me yet another band to listen to.

Ludo- For those of you who didn't know, Ludo has been coming to the Warehouse in La Crosse for years, but only recently became a pretty well known band. These guys put out an awesome sound, and a different one at that, they've god a moog player! And if you don't know waht that is, you should Google it! They also have a fantastic live performance and are really hilrious people. My old band actually got to open for these guys a few times before they made it big, so that's pretty exciting.

Motion City Soundtrack- Oh man, I love these guys. They're very up beat in most of their songs, and also put on a sweet live performance. One of my close friends introduced me to these guys after they came to the Warehouse about 4 years ago, and really got me hooked pretty easily.

MAXEEN- This is another band I found from the Warehouse, and once again got to open for them. They never really made it big, and are no longer a band, but they made really cool music, and the singer was very Michael Jackson-esque, but the rest of the music wasn't, so it made for an awesome mix.

Muse- My love for Muse has grown exponentially over the years. My mom first introduced me to them, as she has for plenty of other good bands, such as Queens of the Stone Age, Disturbed, and NIN. Anyway, I digress. Muse is a trio of guys who make some kickass music. They've got a DVD out of them playing at Wimbley Stadium, and it's just mind blowing to watch. If you've never heard of these guys, I suggest you do soon.

Paramore- Sometimes you just need a good fast paced band like this. They're fun to listen too, plus the lead singer is a babe. haha

Primus- What a weird band... The bass player is one of the best out there, and are just weird and fun to listen to, you should at least check them out once.

Protest the Hero- I wouldn't consider myself a metal head, but a lot of the time, I just need some metal to listen to. These guys surely do that, and they add a very technical aspect to it, which I love in music, plus these guys recorded a CD at 18 that's better than many CD's out there. They're very skilled musicians.

System of a Down- Yet another band that gives me my metal fix when necessary. These guys are a blast to listen to.

Well that's it for my list. I hope some of you maybe find a new band thanks to the list. But if anything I hope it gives you a little more in depth picture of what I like. Well, I'm off for this week. Until next week!

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