Friday, February 6, 2009

Another week of me.

I know last week I introduced myself a bit, but this week I'm going to attempt to talk a little more about what I like to do, maybe a few things that I don't like at the moment, we'll see.
I'll start by throwing this out there; I'm a pretty big geek. I love computers, video games, movies, electronics of all sorts. I think the fact that technology is moving so fast these days is mind-blowing. Whether it be at school or at my apartment, a lot of the time you'll find me on a computer. I really used to be kind of embarrassed by how big of a geek I was when it came to video games, but I've learned to embrace the inner gamer in me. I don't usually go out my way to play video games by any means, but if I've got nothing better to do, a good video game can keep me entertained for quite a while. Of course everyone liked movies, and I'm no different. I'm not really a movie buff, but find me the right movie, and I can watch it over and over again. At the moment some of my top movies are Transformers, Paycheck, National Treasure 1 and 2, Serenity, Wall-E, LOTR, Boondock Saints, 300, and Mystery Science Theater 3000. Another honorable mention is 2001: A Space Odyssey. I say that because I believe everyone should see it, but probably only once or twice. Now while it may sound like I stay indoors 24/7, that's completely untrue, just mainly in winter, because I hate the cold. Now that the weather is warming up quite a bit, it's finally time for me to begin my new found love. Longboarding.
Longboarding is one of my favorite activities. It gives me a natural high everytime I go somewhere on it, which is always nice, considering I don't drink/ smoke/ or do drugs of any sort. I need all the natural highs I can get, haha. I started longboarding this past summer, about midway through. I had been looking for a means of transportation that didn't include gas, but I could get far on. I was extremely close to buying a bike, when a friend told me he was looking into buying a longboard. I used to skateboard when I was younger, but hadn't really looked into longboards at all. Later that day we ran to the mall, Zumiez to be exact, to check out different types of longboards, what was good for city riding, things like that, and as soon as the worker started explaining them, I was sold, literally. I bought one that day, because I had the money for the bike I was planning on getting. The board I bought was about $200 and absolutely beautiful. We came back the next day too, so a few more of my friends could get boards too. We spent the majority of our summer out boarding, usually until 2 or 3 in the morning, enjoying the lack of traffic. The rush of wind in your face, watching the world whiz past you, the adrenaline rush from knowing one wrong move could land you face first on the concrete. It's really a wonderful feeling. I suggest anyone with a decent amount of coordination try it at least once.
Well it was nice announcing a couple more of my interests to the internet world. Tune in next week when we throw in plot twists and toilet humor! Not really...

1 comment:

  1. Aaron, I'm trying to visualize a long board, but I'm not sure I've ever seen one. Is it just a long skateboard, or is there something really particular about them?
    You seem to have a very nice sense of humor, I can tell I will enjoy reading your blog.
