Friday, April 17, 2009


Evening fellow bloggers, I write to you all tonight from Port Edwards, playing that massive trivia contest I've been talking about for weeks! It just started at 6, and so far there are about 20 people here within 30 minutes. A pretty decent outcome if you ask me. The weather has been just about perfect lately! A little warm for me, I always think spring weather doesn't last long enough...but who asked me right? I've been longboarding constantly, sitting out on the stoop with my roommates, just like stoop kid from Hey Arnold! It's also been warm enough just to hang out late at night outside. Well I really can't think of too much more to update you guys on, so I think I'm just gonna end it here this week...Over and out!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Video Games

Well, world of the internets...This is my week to geek out. I'm goign to be listing my personal favorite video games at this point in time. There aren't very many of them, but hey, I still think it's worth listing off because I have nothing better to blog about this week!

Left 4 Dead- This is definitely my favorite game at the time. I play it just about every night with my roommates. It's a first-person zombie shooter game. You get to choose between four survivors of a massive infection. Every level you fight your way through hordes and hordes of the common infected zombies, and every once in a while you run into what are called "Special Infected." There's the smoker, the hunter, the boomer, the witch, and the tank. The smoker's special ability is to grab the survivors from a far distance with it's tounge to pull them in and start clawing at them. The hunter's ability is extreme jumping. It can jump really far distances from building to building until it can pounce on a survivor and once again, claw at them. The boomers are ridiculously fat, because they spew vomit on the survivors which brings a horde of common infected to who ever got spewed on. It's pretty hilarious to watch. The witch can either do no damage, or a lot of damage. She sits in corners crying and if you don't disturb her, she wont hurt you. On the off chance you accidently shoot her or walk into her, she'll shriek, and basically kill you in a heartbeat. The tank is basically just that. He's a huge zombie that can destroy anythign and everything. All in all this game is all about team work, which is why I love playing it with my roommates.

Halo 3 has been on of my favorites games since it came out. Another first-person shooter. You're a super-marine basically saving the earth from two races of aliens cann the Covenant and the Flood. This one is great for playing online, it's simple two team shooting action. Not too much to say about this game. It's been a huge franchise ever since the realease of the Halo 1. If you haven't heard about it by now, well, I don't really know what to say.

Rock Band 2 is a brilliant game. First game of it's kind to bring drums and a microphone to gaming systems in a big way. This is just a fun party game. You play "instruments" and hit notes. For me personally, it's a good way to work my drumming chops while not annoying the neighbors at 2 a.m. This is definitely a great game to play even if you're not a gamer. And age doesn't matter at all. Literally anyone can enjoy this game.
Well those three are my favorite at the moment. I love playing them as much as I can! I'll probably keep blogging with my lists because they're always things I can enjoy that maybe other people will enjoy too. You know, sharing the fun! Speaking of's a quick sidenote. This sunday, Easter sunday, a great pop techno band by the name of Freezepop is playing at the warehouse, so everyone should check out their myspace or soemthing and come to the show, it'll be awesome! Take it easy bloggers!