Friday, March 27, 2009


Some people love trivia, some people hate it with the fiery passion of 10,000 suns. I for one love trivia. A lot. Which is excellent, because this weekend I'm heading up to my roommate's hometown of Port Edwards, which is right next to Wisconsin Rapids. Port Edwards has a radio station that holds a 10 hour straight trivia contest. They'll ask a question and then play two or three songs while you find the answer and then call in to the radio station to answer the question. I've never done this contest before, but I have done something like it last year, but more extreme. Last year, in late spring, I went to Port Edwards with my roommate once again, for another trivia contest. This contest is much more intense though. 72 hours straight through a weekend, of sleepless googling, finding answer after answer with a huge group of friends. It might not sound like your thing, but it'sdefinitely one of the funnest experiences I've had in the past year. Tons of caffeine, great music, surrounded by friends for 72 hours, sitting on a computer, free food and snacks. What more could a college student ask for really... So anyway, that's what my weekend will consist of, and probably a lot oflongboarding with the beautiful weather. Well, until next time bloggers!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Times They Are A-Changin'

This week I've decided to blog about some of my plans for this upcoming summer, and even just the near future. We'll start with spring break! Spring break is so close I can smell it. I have no real plans for it, but that doesn't make it less enjoyable. The two days I have anything planned are the night of Hairspray at the La Crosse Center, I have to work 4 hours to clean it all up... which kind of sucks, but hey, it's better than 8 hours. And then next Sunday a group of friends and I are heading up to the cities to see Eric Whitacre preform some of his pieces. Eric Whitacre is a choral music composer, and has made several beautiful pieces of work. I geek out to good music like that, as do a select few of my friends. My next big plan isn't until school is out, and that's moving out. Currently I live with 5 other guys, which really isn't that bad, we're rarely all home at the same time, so it doesn't get too packed. This upcoming summer though, I'm only living with 3 of the 5 guys, in a much nicer house. It's over on Johnson street, by Jackson Plaza, for those of you who know the neighborhood. It's far from campus, but we're fine with that, because we're all sick of dealing with drunk people every weekend yelling and being ridiculous. Going back to the warm weather now, it opens up so many things to do, I'm so excited! I'm one who can enjoy winter for about a week, and that's it, so spring has been long awaited by me. It opens up so many activities, like longboarding, hanging out down at Riverside, going to the pearl and not freezing, frisbee, and I may even start paintballing this summer. Well that's it for this week bloggers; until next time!