Friday, January 30, 2009

And the rest is history...

Well, I guess I'll just use this first blog to introduce myself a bit. The name's Aaron Frost, I'm in the Visual Communications program, then I'll be going into Graphic Design next year. I love drumming, playing bass guitar, playing video games, body modifications (Piercings/tattoos), playing ultimate frisbee, and longboarding. I've got one tattoo and two lip piercings at the moment, and I want more piercings. I play drums in a local band, called the Second String Dinosaurs, and just released a CD. If you want to check out a couple songs you can check out our myspace!
I hate winter for a few reasons. The first and most obvious reason is the temperature, who likes being cold? The snow can sometimes make travel difficult is rough storms. The final reason is due to the snow, I can't longboard anywhere, which is a big deal because I drive as little as possible. Winter often keeps me cooped up in my apartment watching movies every night, which I don't mind, but I'd much rather be out being active.
Music plays a massive part in my life. Whether it be making it or listening to it, music can almost always put me in a better mood. I can enjoy most genres depending on the day, minus country and rap, like usual. Some of the bands on my ever changing "Favorites" list at the moment are Protest the Hero, Motion City Soundtrack, Muse, and Streetlight Manifesto. I've been into drums and drumming since I was really young. At my first opportunity, which was 6th grade, I joined the percussion section of the band. That was also the year I bought my first drum set. Ever since then, I've been in just about every school band I could for more experience. My first drum set was a Yamaha stage custom, which is a pretty decent set for a 6th grader, but once junior year rolled around, I started to be a more serious drummer, trying different styles and everything, so I decided to buy a new, better drum set. I chose a Pearl Masters MMX set, which is a very nice set and is the one I still have today.
That's all I can really think of at the moment, so that'll be it for this week. Over and out.